Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Grand Opening Telkom Cup 2011


Serangkaian kegiatan TELKOM CUP 2011, sudah resmi dimulai pada hari ini. Bertepatan dengan Grand Opening ini, para peserta The Third Training Program (TCT) ikut serta memeriahkannya.

Pembukaan ini, diawali Pertandingan Persahabatan antara peserta The Third Training Program dan perwakilan setiap angkatan mahasiswa telekomunikasi. Pertandingan ini sangat seru dan membuat suporter dari ketua tim ini terbahak-bahak.

Pertandingan yang dimulai dari pukul 17.00 - 17.45 ini, menghasilkan skor 2-2. Namun berhubung, skor antara kedua tim seri. Maka diadakan, pertandingan penalti. Dan akhirnya, dimenangkan oleh tim dari TCT.

"Merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri, berkesempatan bertanding melawan tim TCT. Walaupun akhirnya kalah dan dimenangkan dari Tim TCT." Ujar Advin Mariyono, salah satu tim dari Mahasiswa Telekomunikasi. (asd)

Telkom Cup 2011

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

For IT


Pelatihan – pelatihan yang diadakan oleh Program Studi Teknik Informatika diantaranya :

Pelatihan Sertifikasi International

  1. Training Java
  2. Training Database Oracle 10g
  3. Training Oracle9i Database Administrator
  4. Oracle Certification Program
  5. Oracle Non Certificationi Program
  6. CISCO Certification Program
  7. SUN Certification Program
  8. Industrial Automation Training

Pelatihan Akademis Sertifikasi Lokal

  1. Pelatihan Bidang Teknologi Informasi
  2. Pelatihan Image Processing
  3. Pelatihan UNIX Fundamental dan System Administration
  4. Pelatihan ASP.Net dan Visual Basic .Net
  5. Pelatihan Software Development

Sosialisasi Robotika Tim Robot PENS


(21/10)Serangkaian seleksi rekrutmen anggota tim robot PENS selesai digelar. seleksi yang dimulai di bulan september 2011 lalu, kini telah usai. Tes yang dilaksanakan dengan berbagai macam tahapan, mulai dari tes tulis, tes programming, tes trial line tracer, dan workshop, telah menyaring hingga 28 peserta. mereka terbagi menjadi berberapa tim, yaitu tim KRI, KRCI beroda, KRCI berkaki, KRCI battle, dan KRSI, serta dua tim roket PENS.


Pada sosialisasi kali ini Bapak Ahmad Subhan KH selaku pelatih tim KRCI battle memberi penjelasan mengenai prosedur pendaftaran peserta dalam kompetisi robot regional dan nasional yaitu dengan menyerahkan proposal.
Dalam penjelasanya beliau juga berpesan kepada anggota tim robot bahwa harus kerja keras untuk mendapatkan prestasi yang sebaik-baiknya. Agar tahun ini tim robot PENS dapat merebut piala juara umum kembali seperti tahun sebelumnya.
Sosialisasi dilanjutkan oleh Bapak Eko Henfri sebagai salah satu pelatih tim robot PENS. Beliau menjelaskan bahwa untuk menajdi tim robot PENS diperlukan komitmen dan kerjasama tim yang kuat. "harus ada rasa kekeluargaan antar anggota tim Robot" ujar dosen asal Sragen, Jawa Tengah tersebut.
Beliau juga menambahkan bahwa kriteria untuk menajdi tim robot tidak hanya dilihat dari kemampuan dari masing-masing peserta namun juga dari etos kerja dari masing-masing individu karena kemampuan dapat dipupuk selama orang tersebut mau berusaha. masing-masing anggota tim robot harus memiliki kesiapan fisik dan mental dalam menjalani pelatihan dan pembinaan tim robot untuk kedepanya. (rar/ade)


Semuanya telah berubah...

Ntah sejak kapan itu terjadi...
Mau sedih kok ya aneh..
Mau seneng kok ya terpaksa..

Apa aku aja yg telat mengetahui itu??

mungkin itu ada baiknya juga..

Tetap tersenyum saja lha.. =)

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Life Management Training

Memberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa PENS kelas 1 dan 2 (semua program dan jurusan)
Bahwa akan diadakan Pelatihan LMT (Life Management Training) di PENS pada bulan
oktober dan november (jadwal kegiatan terlampir di poster mading PENS)

Bagi mahasiswa yang berminat, bisa mendaftarkan diri dengan mengisi data di

Untuk detail kegiatan silahkan dilihat pada poster di mading PENS atau bisa dilihat
di alamat


Kemahasiswaan PENS

Sosialisasi Beasiswa Bidik Misi Mahasiswa 2011

            EEPIS Online - Memberikan beasiswa penuh sebagai bantuan pendidikan bagi mahasiswa tidak mampu namun berpotensi secara akademik adalah tujuan mulia. Itulah sebabnya ada beasiswa bidik misi. Hari ini(13/10) sebanyak 96 mahasiswa berkumpul guna mengikuti sosialisasi beasiswa bidik misi. Bertempat di lapangan tandon dekat kantin PENS. 
           Dalam kegiatan tersebut, manajemen menjelaskan informasi-informasi terkait bantuan tersebut. Sosialisasi beasiswa ini dihadiri oleh Asisten Direktur III PENS Drs. Miftahul Huda, ST, MT.  Beliau menyampaikan bahwa untuk tahun 2011 ini jumlah penerima beasiswa bidik misi dari PENS sebanyak 96 orang mahasiswa. Sama dengan tahun lalu, untuk angkatan 2011 ini setiap mahasiswa mendapatkan dana dari dikti sebesar Rp.6.000.000, dengan rincian Rp. 2.400.000 untuk biaya pendidikan diPENS selama satu semester dan sisanya Rp. 3.600.000 berupa biaya hidup yang akan ditransfer di rekening mahasiswa sebesar Rp. 600.000/bulan. 
Berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, untuk mahasiswa BM tahun ini mendapatkan dana transportasi yang akan diberikan secara tunai. Maka dari itu dihimbau kepada seluruh mahasiswa PENS agar besok(14/10) seluruh mahasiswa BM utnuk mengisi nomer rekening dan kota asal pada form isian yang dapat diunduh di web kemahasiswaan PENS.
Bapak Miftahul Huda menyampaikan beberapa pesan kepada mahasiswa bidik misi agar mahasiswa BM bisa menjaga nilai IP agar dapat lulus disemua mata kuliah.(rar/mel/ryo)

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Photo D4 IT A

~ Guten Tag Freund ~

 Sudah satu bulan aku kuliah di PENS nih...
 Ini akan kuberikan Foto Foto ISTIMEWA, UNIK, And LIMITED EDITION... 
Hanya buat pembaca setia ku lho... (^o^) hehe..

                                     " Detik Detik sebelum kita semua ke acara Gerigi "
Hehe, masih sempet sempetnya foto... Buat kenang kenangan  :p

                                  "Berfoto ria setelah foto untuk buku angkatan ITCE"
tapi ternyata g dipake, akhirnya foto lagi tanggal 5 oktober 2011. Akhirnya pake foto yang dibawah Ini

                                         "Foto buat buku angkatan ITCE"
Ini foto setelah semua perform buat "Welcome Party"
Dan Kelasku menang lho... Yippie..@-@

                                      "Latihan tengah malam buat Welcome Party"
                                      SERrrrrrrrRRRRRuuuu uuuUUUUUUuuuu

                                       "Latihannya di Graha ITS lho.. haha "

                                     "Latihan d Graha seusai perkuliahan"

"Latihan di Graha, waktu itu sempet di marahi kakek kakek tua penjaga graha.. Haha.."

 "Latihan di Kebun Bibit Lho... "
                             Ecie.. Guaya Rekk Cowoknya... NarsizzzZZ...

"Ini Adalah Anggota SM#SH" wkwkw

"Nah Ini dia perform kita saat tampil di Welcome Party"
"Ini masih pembukaan yang dilakukan oleh (Dari kiri Satria, Davi, dan Kamal)"
"Tema Kita Gothic" ^-^

"Davi saat Breakdance" Kerenzzz..

"Ini dia performa kita"

"D4 IT A Halloo Bro"

"Goyang kanan goyang kiri, jempol digoyang.."

"Pra mentoring"

"Foto foto bareng kakak mentoringya " =)

"Kakak mentoringnya ada 2 lho,, coba tebak yang mana??"

"Ini latihan yel yel, dan jargon buat menyambut kakak senior di wisuda.. haha kayak mau Demo"

"Tetap semangat walaupun Panasszz.."

"IT A IT B Hoooooo"
"TekKom A TekKom B hooo"

"Ini dia kakak kakak yang telah di wisuda" :D

"Kakak kakak wisuda dibawa ke Gedung PENS"

"Foto foto bersama kakak kakak wisudawan"
"Selamat Ya Kak.."


Introductory History of Robot Contest in Indonesia

To understand how the history of robot contests in Indonesia, especially those related to science and technology community, the development and the excitement of doing research of various disciplines who followed The following are some writings as historical footage from a small group activity in the PENS to develop extended throughout Indonesia, especially among engineering colleges.

Micro Mouse robot, opening the way Robocon in Indonesia
Robocon (robot-contest / contest robot) in Indonesia is closely associated with a long history in "grave robot" sekatan room JJ-102 Digital Lab Polytechnic State Electronics Surabaya who begins his story in April 1990. When that institution is still called the Polytechnic of Electronics and Telecommunications ITS who commanded by (late) Mr. Ir. Susanto as the first Director of this polytechnic since inaugurated in 1988.

Early April 1990 are the moments the group's return to campus faculty PENS Sukolilo Surabaya after studying at the country Sakura in a training program for one year. They are the Moh. Milchan and Wahjuningrat Day (Telecommunications, Sendai), Joke Pratilastiarso (Applied Electronics, Tokyo), Dedid CH (Industrial Electronics, Kurume) and Endra Pitowarno (Computer Eng., Kumamoto). If for them as it is now returning to the bosom of mother earth, not the case for the Japanese experts who follow them to Indonesia. While in Japan each lecturer was guided by an expert in their respective fields. Prof. Furuya for Telecommunications, Prof.. Masaki for Applied Electronics, Prof.. Ohbuchi for Industrial Electronics, and Prof.. Tsutomu Matsumoto for Computer Engineering. He was accompanied four of the lecturers to Indonesia and continue to guide his students that this archipelago on earth for one year.

Actually the field studied by the lecturers who were not directly related to the field of robotics who now became the icon PENS (EEPIS). But by chance, a laboratory study where one professor's PENS (Endra Pitowarno), namely Lab. Information Control, Kumamoto National College of Technology has a number of robotics projects who characterizes research in the lab. Two projects are being executed at the time who are robots and robotic micromouse Yamabiko (similar specs intelligent robots who competed in the Indonesian Intelligent Robot Contest - KRCI). Because every day hung in the same lab every day and also view the activity of the students who worked on the project KNCT then Endra interest arises, so who occupied the field of computer engineering, is Mac-O / S, Unix-BSD O / S and TRON for FZ80 got a nail on the application object. Shown interest in robotics who was apparently moving Prof. Matsumoto to accommodate at once crossed the ideas led to several colleagues Prof. Matsumoto, who became a partner in the field of robotics research collaboration that. One of them is Prof.. Shinichi Yuta from Tsukuba University. In the lab of Prof.. Yuta is PENS lecturers were acquainted with the activities of the research project Yamabiko robot who was then already include leading robot in the arena of research in Japan.

Back to the homeland led to the idea Endra, et al. to start looking for worshipers of students who are interested in the field of robotics to accompany his "hobby" but also to make ongoing robotics projects as their final tasks. Inspired by the robot micromouse - who returned to their homeland when Endra given "a" robot module micromouse Namco made by prof. Matsumoto - wooed some students start PENS (PET-ITS at the time) when it's most senior who is a level 3 or are in semesters 5. Auspicious moment, when the new PENS will begin its students to pass the first time who successfully led a party than they are to begin building a "home robots" sekatan room JJ-102 Digital Lab. Unmitigated, 12 students from the first batch of 120 mhs PENS successfully wooed to become first-generation home builder of the robot, as in Table 1.1. Six other students who, namely Eko Revelation, Zainur Rahman, Subrata True, Sam'an, Bambang Irawan Sukrisno and Isaac gets a project to develop a processor-based System Development Kit Z80A. However they also include the early inhabitants of the cage when a new robot standing.

With the provision of the projects they worked on a regular basis who residents JJ-102 robot cage held a small seminar every 3 months between them and invite some expert who was on duty in Japan including Prof. PENS. Matsumoto and Makino-sensei (JICA Team Leader at the time). And the seminar, the students have to do it in English! No fewer than 3 times during one year successful seminar held during the project they worked on robotics as a final assignment. Small seminar last recorded in the archive is held on January 16, 1991. And alhamdulillaah, seems to invite the expert's tactics in the seminar students who produced results beyond expectations.
One day in late January 1991 Prof. Matsumoto asked the inhabitants of the robot enclosure, whether dare accept the challenge of sparring participate in the contest micromouse who in that year will be held in Singapore. Wow! This challenges a very proud, especially for students who joined the team RMM (Robot Micro Mouse). Can not be answered immediately, as Prof. Matsumoto semiofficial challenging (PENS see that the robot is still a baby at all). Keep in mind, the research group of Prof.. Matsumoto in Japan have been several times on a regular basis micromouse robot contest between the country (Micromouse contest was held in Tsukuba th 1985). Apparently his lengthy discussions with some other expert, discuss the possibility of doing business in the PENS robot contests in Japan.

One day when the student researchers RMM and his friends struggling with exam preparation, and sophomores began to set foot into the third level, Prof. Matsumoto and Makino-sensei convey a very challenging thing that PENS was invited by NHK (Nippon Hooso Kyokai) to compete at the NHK Robocon in November 1991 the theme is totally different with the counter micromouse robot who became the early inhabitants of materials at home robot. However, it turns out this is the beginning of an eye opener that the world of robots is very rich in the world who the parameters and variables to create a community who never stopped to think and innovate.
Thus, upon approval of the leadership challenge at that time PENS PENS and Endra accepted by who gets the first task of guiding the robot team PENS. Weight, selected team members are all listed as new semester students 5 and not those who work on the project RMM or RRR (Robot Route Runner). This is because the first generation had passed when the project started Robocon 1991.

Is an beginning of a very very tiring when selected team members (consisting of 9 mhs with three main members: Arief Avianto, Sudibyo and Praz Isnamu) and mentors are equally blind to design a robot to Robocon. This was the beginning of which worked almost 24 hours a day to be characteristic of the people Robocon. Recorded, the average weight of the team members dropped dramatically during the hard work involved in it, only about 46-47kg. 48kg at best! What's the difference mhs with the supervisor? No! All the work to intervene in the mechanical workshop. Incredible support at the time, both from the faculty PENS (who when it was still some "handful") or from the helm. Keep in mind, Head of Study Program of the Department of Electronics as a parent where the team would be the time it was Mohammad Nuh, who is now serving as minister of Indonesia.
Alhamdulillaah, trust the experts of JICA to include teams from PENS or who they are better known as EEPIS (Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya) to fruition. In early games the team managed to subvert EEPIS team from Kyoto, although in the next round match succumbed to the other teams (all participants from Japan but one of EEPIS). This alone has far exceeded the target because there is no target at that time nothing. The robot can move enough. Uniquely, the team EEPIS more commonly referred to as Koosen Surabaya (Surabaya Polytechnic) without naming the country. This implies that they accept EEPIS team as part of the community koosen (polytechnic) that exist in Japan. Ha, so polytechnics Japan Surabaya branch!

At the end of the game instead EEPIS team was named the team with the best idea! This award is very proud because it is equal to champion (visible from the same cup size larger, while some other trophies smaller). Do not know what considerations the judges, who obviously pantograf system is applied at the time who managed to amaze the audience. Original robot down, becomes very high when pulling pantografnya. And this technique characterizes who are not possessed by other teams.

A Brief History of Internet Installation in EEPIS

 Year 1991: 10Base5 yellow cables held accomplish all administrative space in the old building, UNIX OS
1995: The first connection to the Internet via SLIP 14.4 kbps modem; then replaced the PPP with 33.6 kbps modems, only one PC is used interchangeably.

Year 1997: Dr.. Titon back from the task of learning and utilizing yellow Kable 10Base5 to build a bus-based LAN TCP / IP

Year 1998: EEPIS LAN connected to the ISP GlobalNet, 64 kbps WaveLAN, 4 million per month; ISP is owned by alumni PENS

Year 1999: PENS get grants 30 units of PCs and 2 units of Cisco 3600 series switches, still connect to the ISP GlobalNet with 128 kbps, 8 million per month, the fund DUE-like

Year 2001:
         • Move to an ISP PesatNet with 128 kbps, 8 million per month; ISP is managed by alumni PENS also, DUE fund-like

         • PENS 2-story building to get grants from JICA 1000 m2 due to lack of lab space and classrooms.
         • PENS get state funds to build a training center sebuahcertified; berpatner with Oracle Academic  Initiative (OAI) and JAVA Sun Microsystems; some funds DUE-like batch I & III

Year 2002:
        • PENS get 100 Mbps FDDI network grants to all the old buildings and training centers
        • PENS get JICA Grant-Aid for the new building of 10,000 m2 (was built)
        • Moving to NEW YORK ISP with 512 kbps burstable to 768 kbps, 25 million per month, the fund    DUE-like batch I and SPP

Year 2004:  • Opening of new building by four mutual aid cabinet minister (Minister of Welfare, Education Minister, Minister of Public Works, Minister of Development KTI). This building is equipped with FDDI 100 Mbps upgradeable to 1 Gbps
       • Networking in the old building is integration with the network in a new building

Year 2005:
        • PENS increase bandwidth and ISP moved to VIPnet is also managed by alumni PENS also; 2 Mbps to IIX (channels in the country) and 512 kbps to 1 Mbps burstable (foreign channels), internet costs 50 million per month fully funded using SPP (600 million per year).
       • Expansion of coverage of wireless LAN access (hot-spot) and fill in some content on the portal main SIM PENS
       • The number of PCs that are connected virtually to 1000 the number of client PCs with an average per day up to 600 PCs.

Year 2006:
      • Addition of File Server and SIM Application
      • Replacement of some equipment that is old
      • Until now certified training center has succeeded in becoming an agent OWDP (Oracle Workforce Development Program), CCNA, Java Sun Microsystems, and MCI (Microsoft Innovation Center).

Year 2007:
      • Loan Juniper Router for connection to Jardiknas
      • Additional connection Inherent

Year 2008:
      • Installation of DVB to SEAMOLEC
      • The addition of VIP net bandwidth to 5 Mbps and 2 Mbps IIX International / Local
      • Installation of IPv6 in the network EEPIS

Year 2009:
     • Replacement of Core Switches using Cisco Catalyst 6500 series
     • The addition of IPS devices (Intrusioan Prevention System) Cisco ASA5500
     • Replacement of buildings D3 Switch Cisco Catalyst 3750
     • The addition of VIP net bandwidth to 6 Mbps and 5 Mbps IIX International / Local
     • The launch of the website dosenjaga
     • The launch of the website e-Tefl

Year 2010:
     • Installation of a new Internet network with a bandwidth of 5 Mbps Telkom (Astinet)
     • Installation of a new Internet network with a bandwidth of 15 Mbps Telkom IIX / Local and 15 Mbps IX / International (IP Transit)
     • Rejuvenation of data center
     • The addition of NetApp FAS2020 storage server

Description: EEPIS stands for the English name of the PENS.
EEPIS = Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya

History Of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya


            Politeknik Elektronika & Telekomunikasi, in short: PET (1988 to 1992). 
Although EEPIS officially opened in June, 2,1988 by the President of Indonesia at that time, Suharto its history dates back to 1985 when JICA preliminary Study Team for grant aid and technical cooperation came to EEPIS. The head of the team was Prof. Y. Naito (Tokyo Institute of Technology) came. At that time they were also supported by JICA Curriculum Study Team. Then, in 1987 JICA Technical cooperation started, after observed the possibility of cooperation (1986).

            This time, The first group of 5 lecturers were sent to colleges of technology in Japan. In March, 15, 1988 EEPIS building and educational equipment were officially granted to Indonesian Government and officially opened in June, 2, 1988. Since this year, our first class has started and then many lecturers were sent to colleges of technology in Japan. Many groups of Japanese Expert also arrived to support us. In 1988, EEPIS was named Politeknik Elektronika & Telekomunikasi, in order to meet the demand of graduation, who can give guidance in handling operation, control, maintenance and proper application of new technology and equipment.

            Politeknik Elektronika Surabaya, in short: PES (1992 to 1996)
In June, 1991 Ministry of Education and Culture started to arrange all Polytechnic in Indonesia which was grown in Institutes and Universities in Indonesia. Then it was renamed Politeknik Elektronika Surabaya (PES) which is a part of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.

           Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, in short: PENS (1996 to date)
In 1996, this polytechnic was renamed Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Currently, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology had 5 faculties and 2 polytechnics. Each Faculty was headed by a dean, and each Polytechnic is headed by a director. Because of historical reason, those two polytechnics are managed separately based on independent and autonomous scheme. EEPIS runs a full-time 3 years course namely DIPLOMA 3 and a full-time 4 years course namely DIPLOMA 4.

Director of EEPIS :
  1. Ir. Susanto (1988 - 1997)
  2. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Nuh, DEA (1997-2002)
  3. Dr. Ir. Titon Dutono, M.Eng ( 2002 - 2009)
  4. Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Ph.D ( 2009 - now)


  1. EEPIS Vision is to be a 'center of excellent' of professional engineering education in electronic-related field nationally and internationally as well.
  2. EEPIS Mission are:
    • To produce professional and open-minded graduation, ready to compete in global market, by providing an excellent academic atmosphere for the student.
    • To actively involved in development and enhancement of Indonesian Polytechnic Education system as EEPIS being the National Resources Polytechnic
    • To carry out an applied oriented research which actually solve the industrial problem and community services to the society; both of them are the synergetic activities of EEPIS as professional education provider.
    • To develop and implement the academic moral ethic values


          The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) plays an important role in Japan's Official Development Assistance by providing the developing countries all over the world with technical cooperation and grant aid cooperation. This institution, EEPIS was financed by 1,895,000,000- yen grant from JICA under Japanese Government (first phase, 1988). And in the second phase (2002), EEPIS again was granted 1,822,000,000- yen, also from JICA under Japanese Government. All grant is for the building construction and educational equipment.

         EEPIS building has a floor area of approximately 25.000 m2, located in a 6 ha area and it is a part of ITS campus in Surabaya. The EEPIS buildings consist of administration offices, labs, workshops, final project rooms, lecture and seminar rooms, libraries, a student dormitory, a canteen. EEPIS is also supported by a large parking area & Small Mosques (musholla). In line with its target to produce skilled and knowledgeable middle management technicians, EEPIS is fully equipped with sophisticated study facilities, for all practice and theory purposes. The modern labs have up-to-date equipment, like a full range of standard measuring instruments, electronics-related trainers and demo tools, communication equipment currently used in the industry, micro computers, over-head and video projectors, and also data projectors.

           EEPIS offer a full-time 3 years course namely Diploma III (four weeks in plant,training in industry) and a full-time 4 years course namely Diploma IV (teaching staff of polytechnic). We also run many trainings for many purposes. Diploma III has 5 majors, they are: Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electro-Industry Engineering, Informatic Engineering and Multimedia Broadcasting Technology. While Diploma IV has 6 major, they are: Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electro-Industry Engineering, Informatic Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Computer Engineering.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Love You IT A

Yapp.... Kali ini aku akan membahas "Bahasa Kelasku".. "KITA11" (Kelas IT A 2011)
 Bukan bahasa Alien lho ya.. hahhahaha....


Ini adalah bahasa D4 IT A BangetzzZZ.....
Siapa penciptanya aku pun lupa.. Hehe (Maap..) (^-^)

Setiap hari ada aja bahasa barunya...

Bahasa yang lagi Trendz saat ini..

Creator : Zony

Creator : Budi

"Alhamdulillah ya... Sesuatu"
Creator : Syahrini (wkwkw)


Kira2 bahasa apa lagi ya, yg bakal jadi Trendsetter di "KITA11"
Coming Soon... :P

Ini CeritaKu, apa CeritaMu... ~(^-^)~

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Welcome to TCTP 2011

The Third Country Training Program
on Education for Computer Based Industrial Automation

in topic of
"Mobile Application Development for Embedded Devices"

Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
October 6-28, 2011


EEPIS has long track record in implementing an international training course on electrical engineering education (1994-1999), and information technology (2000-2005). The course is conducted jointly by the Government of Indonesia under the framework of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Program and the Government of Japan through JICA, under the Third Country Training Program (TCTP).

In spite of its success story, the need of this type of course still big, since there are many higher education institution in developing country that remain under-developed in terms of their teaching staff education level and practical experience. Therefore, we propose the similar course with special emphasize on the using of Information Technology (IT) for electric engineering education.


To provide the participants from Asian and African countries with an opportunity to update and upgrade relevant techniques, knowledge and teaching methodology in design and implementation of application development for mobile devices.


In general, the objective of the training is to enable the participants to understand and to develop the quality of education especially on design and implementation of computer based industrial automation.

The specific objectives of this training program are that the participants will be able to:
  1. To design and to develop the material for practice on computer and information technology
  2. To understand concept of embedded systems for developing mobile application
  3. To develop programming for practice on mobile applications
  4. To develop teaching material on application development for mobile devices
  5. To enhance their capability on design and implementation of application mobile devices

Confuse ??

Seperti kebanyakan pemula, aku bingung join ke temen2 ku yg punya blog....

Bisa seharian nih...
ngutak ngutik ngutak ngutik ngutak ngutik ngutak ngutik ngutak ngutik ngutak ngutik............

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


Ini adalah Blog pertamaku.....
Semoga bisa membantu dan memberi inspirasi kepada semua.. ^ 0 ^
Jangan lupa beri komentar, kritik dan saran yang membangun ya....

Michael Bubble

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