Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Introductory History of Robot Contest in Indonesia

To understand how the history of robot contests in Indonesia, especially those related to science and technology community, the development and the excitement of doing research of various disciplines who followed The following are some writings as historical footage from a small group activity in the PENS to develop extended throughout Indonesia, especially among engineering colleges.

Micro Mouse robot, opening the way Robocon in Indonesia
Robocon (robot-contest / contest robot) in Indonesia is closely associated with a long history in "grave robot" sekatan room JJ-102 Digital Lab Polytechnic State Electronics Surabaya who begins his story in April 1990. When that institution is still called the Polytechnic of Electronics and Telecommunications ITS who commanded by (late) Mr. Ir. Susanto as the first Director of this polytechnic since inaugurated in 1988.

Early April 1990 are the moments the group's return to campus faculty PENS Sukolilo Surabaya after studying at the country Sakura in a training program for one year. They are the Moh. Milchan and Wahjuningrat Day (Telecommunications, Sendai), Joke Pratilastiarso (Applied Electronics, Tokyo), Dedid CH (Industrial Electronics, Kurume) and Endra Pitowarno (Computer Eng., Kumamoto). If for them as it is now returning to the bosom of mother earth, not the case for the Japanese experts who follow them to Indonesia. While in Japan each lecturer was guided by an expert in their respective fields. Prof. Furuya for Telecommunications, Prof.. Masaki for Applied Electronics, Prof.. Ohbuchi for Industrial Electronics, and Prof.. Tsutomu Matsumoto for Computer Engineering. He was accompanied four of the lecturers to Indonesia and continue to guide his students that this archipelago on earth for one year.

Actually the field studied by the lecturers who were not directly related to the field of robotics who now became the icon PENS (EEPIS). But by chance, a laboratory study where one professor's PENS (Endra Pitowarno), namely Lab. Information Control, Kumamoto National College of Technology has a number of robotics projects who characterizes research in the lab. Two projects are being executed at the time who are robots and robotic micromouse Yamabiko (similar specs intelligent robots who competed in the Indonesian Intelligent Robot Contest - KRCI). Because every day hung in the same lab every day and also view the activity of the students who worked on the project KNCT then Endra interest arises, so who occupied the field of computer engineering, is Mac-O / S, Unix-BSD O / S and TRON for FZ80 got a nail on the application object. Shown interest in robotics who was apparently moving Prof. Matsumoto to accommodate at once crossed the ideas led to several colleagues Prof. Matsumoto, who became a partner in the field of robotics research collaboration that. One of them is Prof.. Shinichi Yuta from Tsukuba University. In the lab of Prof.. Yuta is PENS lecturers were acquainted with the activities of the research project Yamabiko robot who was then already include leading robot in the arena of research in Japan.

Back to the homeland led to the idea Endra, et al. to start looking for worshipers of students who are interested in the field of robotics to accompany his "hobby" but also to make ongoing robotics projects as their final tasks. Inspired by the robot micromouse - who returned to their homeland when Endra given "a" robot module micromouse Namco made by prof. Matsumoto - wooed some students start PENS (PET-ITS at the time) when it's most senior who is a level 3 or are in semesters 5. Auspicious moment, when the new PENS will begin its students to pass the first time who successfully led a party than they are to begin building a "home robots" sekatan room JJ-102 Digital Lab. Unmitigated, 12 students from the first batch of 120 mhs PENS successfully wooed to become first-generation home builder of the robot, as in Table 1.1. Six other students who, namely Eko Revelation, Zainur Rahman, Subrata True, Sam'an, Bambang Irawan Sukrisno and Isaac gets a project to develop a processor-based System Development Kit Z80A. However they also include the early inhabitants of the cage when a new robot standing.

With the provision of the projects they worked on a regular basis who residents JJ-102 robot cage held a small seminar every 3 months between them and invite some expert who was on duty in Japan including Prof. PENS. Matsumoto and Makino-sensei (JICA Team Leader at the time). And the seminar, the students have to do it in English! No fewer than 3 times during one year successful seminar held during the project they worked on robotics as a final assignment. Small seminar last recorded in the archive is held on January 16, 1991. And alhamdulillaah, seems to invite the expert's tactics in the seminar students who produced results beyond expectations.
One day in late January 1991 Prof. Matsumoto asked the inhabitants of the robot enclosure, whether dare accept the challenge of sparring participate in the contest micromouse who in that year will be held in Singapore. Wow! This challenges a very proud, especially for students who joined the team RMM (Robot Micro Mouse). Can not be answered immediately, as Prof. Matsumoto semiofficial challenging (PENS see that the robot is still a baby at all). Keep in mind, the research group of Prof.. Matsumoto in Japan have been several times on a regular basis micromouse robot contest between the country (Micromouse contest was held in Tsukuba th 1985). Apparently his lengthy discussions with some other expert, discuss the possibility of doing business in the PENS robot contests in Japan.

One day when the student researchers RMM and his friends struggling with exam preparation, and sophomores began to set foot into the third level, Prof. Matsumoto and Makino-sensei convey a very challenging thing that PENS was invited by NHK (Nippon Hooso Kyokai) to compete at the NHK Robocon in November 1991 the theme is totally different with the counter micromouse robot who became the early inhabitants of materials at home robot. However, it turns out this is the beginning of an eye opener that the world of robots is very rich in the world who the parameters and variables to create a community who never stopped to think and innovate.
Thus, upon approval of the leadership challenge at that time PENS PENS and Endra accepted by who gets the first task of guiding the robot team PENS. Weight, selected team members are all listed as new semester students 5 and not those who work on the project RMM or RRR (Robot Route Runner). This is because the first generation had passed when the project started Robocon 1991.

Is an beginning of a very very tiring when selected team members (consisting of 9 mhs with three main members: Arief Avianto, Sudibyo and Praz Isnamu) and mentors are equally blind to design a robot to Robocon. This was the beginning of which worked almost 24 hours a day to be characteristic of the people Robocon. Recorded, the average weight of the team members dropped dramatically during the hard work involved in it, only about 46-47kg. 48kg at best! What's the difference mhs with the supervisor? No! All the work to intervene in the mechanical workshop. Incredible support at the time, both from the faculty PENS (who when it was still some "handful") or from the helm. Keep in mind, Head of Study Program of the Department of Electronics as a parent where the team would be the time it was Mohammad Nuh, who is now serving as minister of Indonesia.
Alhamdulillaah, trust the experts of JICA to include teams from PENS or who they are better known as EEPIS (Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya) to fruition. In early games the team managed to subvert EEPIS team from Kyoto, although in the next round match succumbed to the other teams (all participants from Japan but one of EEPIS). This alone has far exceeded the target because there is no target at that time nothing. The robot can move enough. Uniquely, the team EEPIS more commonly referred to as Koosen Surabaya (Surabaya Polytechnic) without naming the country. This implies that they accept EEPIS team as part of the community koosen (polytechnic) that exist in Japan. Ha, so polytechnics Japan Surabaya branch!

At the end of the game instead EEPIS team was named the team with the best idea! This award is very proud because it is equal to champion (visible from the same cup size larger, while some other trophies smaller). Do not know what considerations the judges, who obviously pantograf system is applied at the time who managed to amaze the audience. Original robot down, becomes very high when pulling pantografnya. And this technique characterizes who are not possessed by other teams.

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